

Forensic Toolkit (FTK)

Forensic Toolkit (FTK) lets investigation authorities perform thorough and effective investigations into various data carriers and over 270 file formats. This includes data imaging and gathering from mobile phones, computers, hard drives, registry files, Windows system information files, Apple file systems, social media apps, and more. If a data carrier uses encryption or passwords, then FTK allows the user to decrypt files or passwords, and retrieve passwords for over 100 applications.

FTK also uses advanced search functionalities, and allows the user to filter within files. FTK pre-processes and pre-indexes data, saving a great deal of time on search queries. To this end, FTK is equipped with a very powerful OCR (Operational Character Recognition) engine and the option to automatically undelete files. Data can then be labelled and, if preferred, exported by category.

Next, a digital investigator can use the included visualisation technology to display events as timelines, cluster graphs, or geolocations, for example. Lastly, the visualisation and findings can be documented into a single, accessible report.

Want to know more about how this Forensic Toolkit can benefit your organisation? Contact us today.

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