Cryptocurrency Training Courses
Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are gaining prominence in society. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chains, are just some of the digital offerings. The different types of blockchain technologies offer the possibility of unprecedented developments; fast cross-border transactions, sale of digital art, decentralised supercomputing and more. With the right analytics, you can gain insight into the world of blockchains and track and visualise cryptocurrency transactions.
DataExpert offers various training courses to train investigators and detectives to become cryptocurrency investigators. DataExpert is a Gold Partner of Chainalysis and training partner of TRM Labs This allows us to provide you with all Chainalysis training and TRM Labs training in addition to our own training. Below you will find an overview of our Cryptocurrency training courses.
Our training portal shows the courses we have currently scheduled. The portal is in Dutch and shows you our training courses in Dutch and English.
If you are interested in self-paced training, please contact us at