
Cyber Security Solutions

Cyber Threat Intelligence 

Actively prevent cyber attacks and thus limit damage; it is becoming more and more difficult, more frequent and more complex. Monitoring and incident response alone are no longer sufficient. Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is a valuable addition to your security environment. 

CTI focuses on the collection, analysis and contextualisation of cyber data. By gaining insight into your data, your organisation is able to take early action and take proactive measures. 

In collaboration with FireEye, Recorded Future and Chainalysis, DataExpert provides its clients with the right technology and knowledge to put Cyber Threat Intelligence into practice. This includes monitoring internal and external information from, for example, the dark web and other open sources. 

Arm yourself and your organisation with Cyber Threat Intelligence expertise and tackle cyber threats proactively! We are happy to talk to you about making your organisation more secure by means of Cyber Threat Intelligence. Please contact us for more information.