
Cybercrime Training

Cybercrime & Teams training trajectory

A significant rise in cybercrime has led to an increased demand in specialised investigators. In order to better counter this form of crime, it is important to equip detectives and investigators with the right mix of competences and skills.

The Cybercime & Teams training trajectory comprise three separate courses, with each course further increasing knowledge levels and expanding on competences. It covers all aspects of investigating cybercrime and digitised crime.

The training trajectory comprises the following courses:

Courses are consecutive, but are scheduled individually to allow participants to process the material and reflect between courses. This process of reflection can be facilitated with the information on the e-learning platform, or by applying the knowledge from the courses to practice. In addition, it is also possible to complete one or two of the courses in the trajectory if this is adequate for the participant’s job description.

For whom is this training intended?
This training trajectory is suitable for investigators who are structurally involved with both simple and complex cybercrime investigations, such as (new) investigators on a cybercrime unit. This trajectory does not have any basic skill or knowledge requirements.

What do you learn during this training trajectory?
After completing the Investigations, Advanced and Professional Cybercrime training sessions, investigators are able to chart and investigate simple and (more) complex cybercrime processes. They are able to focus on potential harm risks and on their own safety. Investigators are also knowledgeable on how to construct and support a file. For additional information on training session contents, please refer to the individual courses.

Cybercrime Badge
When you have completed an Cybercrime training at DataExpert, you will receive besides a diploma or certificate also a digital badge. This badge is easy to integrate on social media platforms like LinkedIn and is linked to your profile through the present metadata. 

The courses in this trajectory are supported through the DataExpert e-learning platform, where participants can learn the theory through both text and short videos. In addition, the courses can be offered in both online and frontal-teaching formats.