
Cryptocurrency Training

Cryptocurrency Investigations Basics & Chainalysis Reactor Certification 

Cryptocurrency and the blockchain are developing at lightning speed. In order to be able to investigate transactions involving the use of cryptocurrencies, a solid basic knowledge of their operation is required. In addition, it is important to be able to use a tool that can monitor and analyse these transactions.

During the “Cryptocurrency Investigations Basics & Chainalysis Reactor Certification” training, the participants acquire basic knowledge about cryptocurrency and the blockchain. They also learn to investigate using Chainalysis Reactor, the world's leading tool for blockchain research.

For whom is this training intended?
This four-day training is suitable for anyone who does investigation into the blockchain and cryptocurrency and is a user of Chainalysis Reactor. Think of the police and other investigation and security services, thematic analysts, financial institutions (CDD, KYC, AML), private investigators, etc.

What do you learn during the training?
At the end of this training, the participants will have gained insight into the possibilities and challenges of cryptocurrency and the blockchain. The participants have obtained knowledge about the “core-concepts”, mining, wallets, ledger etc. After the training, the participants will also be able to use the Chainalysis Reactor tool for their investigations and analyses. 

Additional information
For Chainalysis Reactor Certification (CRC), participants must pass an exam and obtain a score of at least 75%. The exam will be taken at the end of day four. This training offers all the knowledge needed to successfully complete the exam. If necessary, one resit is included in the training.

The training course can be given in English; in both classroom and online form. Furthermore, the training courses are modular, making it possible to compose a customized training with matching casuistry.