
Cryptocurrency Tracing Investigations

Cryptocurrency Tracing Investigations

The number of crypto scams, wallet hacks and fraud in the cryptocurrency world has been on the rise for years.
DataExpert is a specialist in the field of Cryptocurrency tracing reports and uses various techniques and methods that are used internationally by investigations.

Our reports provide insight into how cryptocurrencies have moved and trace the exchanges and wallets. We give you insight into what the possible cashout points have been and where funds may still be available. With a thorough tracing report, victims can take legal follow-up steps, for which we work together with specialist lawyers.

Please note: DataExpert does not do asset recovery itself.

The research is carried out by certified employees, yellow pass holders and under POB (1773).
In the past, our reports have been accepted as evidence by lawyers, the judiciary and exchanges.
It is also possible to have (secondary) research (or counter expertise) carried out as a National Judicial Expert.

Please contact us for more information.