
i2 Group

i2 TextChart (formerly Rosoka)

Want to identify the who, what, where, when and sentiment and extract entities and relationships from unstructured data? You can do so with i2 TextChart. i2 TextChart helps you gather new insights from unstructured data and adds them to your analyses in i2 Analyst's Notebook.

You can import numerous document types into i2 TextChart, including plain text, HTML, PDF, Microsoft Word, and so on. i2 TextChart then automatically processes these documents. The program extracts more than 30 different entity types, 200+ relationships and (geo)locations. You can then add these to your visualisation and network analysis of structured data for new insights and a more complete picture.

i2 TextChart can automatically process documents in more than 200 different languages (including Arabic, Chinese and Russian) without knowing the language in advance. The same entities found in multiple languages can be linked together. The software can also show you a rough translation into English (GIST), allowing you to work on a case even if you are not familiar with the language of the source document.

Furthermore, i2 TextChart features multi-vector sentiment analysis to score documents and entities, as well as the underlying relationships. This allows you to more quickly ascertain the tone, polarity, intention and persuasiveness of the text in the document.

Would you like more information about i2 TextChart? Then please contact us.

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