
About DataExpert

Privacy Policy

At DataExpert, we appreciate the trust that our customers, suppliers and colleagues place in us by giving us the necessary personal information. Data protection is one of our highest priorities. We strive to be as transparent as possible about what we do with this personal information and why we do this. Given the sectors in which our customers work, we as DataExpert exercise the highest level of integrity and trust regarding personal information.

Privacy code of conduct of DataExpert:

  • In collecting personal information, DataExpert limits itself to the information that we have obtained legitimately and with reasonable means and, if applicable, always with the knowledge or consent of those involved.
  • DataExpert ensures that the collected personal information remains limited to the purposes for which they are collected and always with the necessary correctness, completeness and regularity.
  • DataExpert ensures that the personal information made available to us is appropriately secured against loss, destruction, unauthorised access, unauthorised use, changes, or posting.
  • DataExpert ensures that we are able to account for the way in which we interpret our privacy code of conduct as an organisation at any time.
  • DataExpert ensures that the collected personal information is not kept longer than necessary for the realisation of the previously indicated purpose(s) for which it was collected.