

New release: Berla iVE V4.0

It's unbelievable how much information you can find in the infotainment system of a modern car. Think of recent destinations, social media feeds, call lists, navigation history and so on.

Berla has been supporting the investigative world for many years with the extraction and analysis of this vehicle data with the iVE tool.

The latest 4.0 version was recently released and offers access to 150 new ECUs. That means 150 new vehicle models are supported by iVE, which makes it an important update. This requires further explanation.

Automotive Network Acquisitions
Berla uses a new acquisition method called Automotive Network Acquisitions. This gives access to almost every vehicle produced worldwide in the last 10 years.

This method uses vehicle networks to automatically identify and collect data from ECUs. The method can be applied using the iVE Desktop software or the Mobile App in combination with the new DLC Adapter.

Automotive Network Acquisitions has two types, basic and enhanced. Both types work according to the same concept: They collect data by querying an ECU for the data of a specific storage ID (SID). However, there is one clear difference:

  • Basic: OBD II (On-Board Diagnostic II) is used to read information from a vehicle. Because this is a generic connector and not one from the manufacturer, investigators have to deal with more protocols within which they have to perform their work and extract data, including those described in the SAE J1979 and ISO 15031-5 standards.
  • Enhanced: the enhanced Acquisitions method uses OEM equipment. As a result, information can be collected at dealer level and the options are more extensive. Moreover, the amount of data collected in this way is much larger.

The basic acquisition works on any model from 1996 onwards with OBDII. The enhanced acquisition includes support for Ford vehicles made between 2008-2023. Berla expects to add more models to this list soon.

More information about Berla iVE 4.0? Please contact us.