More reports of online threats since corona
Online threats are a phenomenon that has increased significantly in recent years. In corona year 2020 alone, there was an increase in the number of reports of over 10% compared to the previous year in the Netherlands, police figures show[1]. However, these figures are still indicative. In addition, a special committee led by former top civil servant Gertjan Bos concluded that the monitoring of threatened people needs to be improved.[2] The threats are not aimed at a specific group. In addition to people with public visibility and people at the top of the business world, police officers, opinion leaders, journalists and politicians are also increasingly having to deal with online harassment and threats[3].
In particular, the influence of the increasing workload of the services responsible for the security of people who are at risk prevents them from improving their working methods. A lack of manpower is one of the issues that people struggle with. In order to tackle this issue, Minister Grapperhaus (Justice and Security) wants to have research conducted into how private security companies can contribute to better protection of threatened persons. Private Investigation Agencies also fall within the same group and legislation. Within the industry as a whole, therefore, there has been a long-standing struggle for more public-private collaboration. This not only has a positive impact on capacity, but also on the provision and sharing of knowledge and resources.
DataExpert Investigations
The Investigations department within DataExpert is experienced in mapping out the so-called online footprint, whereby it is examined what online information is visible and how malicious parties may abuse this. An investigation often concerns not just a single person, but also affects the immediate circle around the client. Think of their family or work environment. For such investigation, the OSINT method is used in particular. OSINT stands for Open Source Intelligence, in which certified private investigators with expert knowledge and resources search for relevant information within online open sources. The results are discreetly shared with the client in an extensive report, after which the investigation is discussed together.
This evaluation enables the client to get a good picture of his/her situation. It provides insight into any threat, the extent to which it exists and whether follow-up steps are necessary. It is not uncommon for such an investigation to be supplemented by a so-called pentest of the company or home network. This creates an overall picture that makes all those involved aware of the current situation and any vulnerabilities.
Do you want to know what your situation is in terms of online visibility and vulnerability? Please contact us to discuss the possibilities.