
Digital Forensics Training

Teel Technologies SQLite Forensics

Both Google's Android OS and Apple's iOS are dominant players in today's mobile phone market. Although these two companies are rivals, with vastly different file systems, they have one thing in common; both use SQLite as storage for user data. SQLite is a library that implements an independent, serverless, zero-configuration SQL database engine. During this training, participants will learn how to analyse and restore SQLite databases at a basic data level. Upon completion of this training, investigators with this knowledge will be able to analyse over 99% of the data they encounter on mobile devices.

For whom is this training intended?
This training is designed for digital investigators and specialists who will be dealing with mobile devices during their forensic investigations.

What do you learn during the training?

  • How SQLite works at the byte level.
  • What the five most common locations to recover SQLite data are.
  • How to validate report data.
  • What the different types of SQLite data component types are.
  • Reverse engineering a SQLite database.
  • Easily convert and identify virtually any data format.
  • Displaying SQLite BLOB data in a forensic program.
  • Recovering data from .WAL and .journal files.
  • Quickly generating reports from a SQLite database with externally linked images.
  • SQLite Record recovery.
  • Manually parsing Write-Ahead Logs and Journal files.
  • SQLite Payload investigation/ SQLite Data Construct parsing.
  • Manually recovering SQLite data.
  • SQLite encryption.
  • Using simulations to test/ verify/ decode data.