
Digital Forensics Training

Forensic Toolkit Core (previously 101)

The Exterro FTK Central Core (Forensic) three-day course will provide the knowledge and skills necessary to configure and effectively use Forensic Toolkit® (FTK™) Central. 
FTK Central Core educates the student on case creation and provides a detailed understanding of the
processing options that are available within FTK Central. It then provides a deep understanding of the review interface, enabling students to effectively review processed data and support review users.

For whom is this training intended?
This hands-on class is intended for new and experienced forensic professionals who use Exterro forensic
software to examine, analyze, and classify digital evidence.

What will you learn during the training?

  • Building and managing an FTK case.
  • Using the FTK Interface.
  • Search options.
  • Filter options.
  • Using the Manage Menu.
  • Exporting items in FTK.
  • Optical Character Recognition OCR
  • Visualising data in FTK.
  • Creating reports.

For more information on this course, contact us today.