

Chaabi Bank

How do you generate reliable bank reports to gain more insight into suspicious bank transactions and ensure compliancy with these reports? Chaabi Bank and DataExpert have launched the 'Report as a Service' project to make this possible. The reports developed by DataExpert, using IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook technology, have led to a significant saving of time, extra checks and costs for the Chaabi Bank. 

Chaabi Bank is focused on Dutch customers with a Moroccan background, who want to transfer money from the Netherlands to Morocco. The bank creates reports on a daily basis. In the first place, for its own administration and insight, but also to be accountable to the headquarters in Paris and De Nederlandsche Bank. Since DataExpert has unburdened the Chaabi Bank in the form of ‘Report as a Service’ in creating reports, this not only takes up less time, but they are also more accurate.

Creating these reports requires a lot of knowledge and therefore a lot of time is spent on training staff. Time that could also have been spent on other important matters, such as the customers. Wahib Belhachmi, Compliance Officer at Chaabi Bank: “We have experienced more than once that an employee left fairly quickly after going through all the training. At that point, you can start all over again. So when DataExpert offered to support us in creating reports, we seized this offer with both hands”.

Reports on daily, monthly and quarterly basis
DataExpert takes these tasks and complexity out of your hands. The activities of DataExpert consist of the daily and monthly delivery of high-quality financial reports on unusual transactions. Furthermore, Chaabi Bank receives an extensive report each quarter that is needed for accountability towards the headquarters and De Nederlandsche Bank. Belhachmi: “The reports of DataExpert allow me to very easily check whether there are no weird deviations. Another advantage is that we no longer need to have the tools in-house. DataExpert takes care of this for us. We are truly unburdened, which provides a lot of peace”.

'It is no longer needed to have the tools in-house.'

Transfer via the cloud
Belhachmi is more than satisfied with the communication between Chaabi Bank and DataExpert. “I only need to ask one question, and it is picked up in no time. Our contacts within DataExpert have a proactive attitude and are continuously working to optimise their service. For instance, we recently changed from the physical transfer of the documents to a digital one. Where previously, someone would come by to give us a USB stick with the needed reports, this is now done via a secure cloud environment.”

 ‘Now that we make use of the help of DataExpert, we are fully compliant, work more efficiently and save time and costs.’

Analysis within minutes
Belchami can translate the benefits of working with DataExpert into at least half an FTE. The files he receives are of high quality, which allows him to very quickly and efficiently share the requested reports with the headquarters. “The Compliance Manager from an other office of Chaabi Bank does not use these analyses. Shey work on being able to provide the right information several days per month, while it takes me just a few minutes.”

‘We are truly unburdened, which provides a lot of peace.'

Continuous innovation
Regarding the collaboration with DataExpert in the coming years, Belhachmi says: “I have all the confidence our collaboration will be as pleasant as it is today. Now that we make use of the help of DataExpert, we are fully compliant, work more efficiently and save time and costs. Both Chaabi Bank and DataExpert are parties that strive for perfection, so I trust that we will continue to innovate together to achieve the optimal result. Ultimately, we may even start to depend on DataExpert.”

Do you want to know what DataExpert can do for your company? Please feel free to contact us.